- Video concept for the litterary performance «Miniatures» by Sylvie Massicotte, Frédérike Bédard et Breen Lebœuf, presented at Maison de la littérature in Québec City, in April 2018.
- Film/graphic score for First Words, a piece by Viviane Houle (13 min.).presented in Vancouver by the NOW Society Orchestra in March 2018.
- Signal film for les Sommets du cinéma d’animation 2016, 35 sec.
- The Cage (Free Jafar Panahi) 20 sec. production Marcel Jean, 2012.
- Album “Six” by Claire Pelletier TV commercial. Avril 2010. See the VIDEO.
- Petite improvisation en hommage à Émile Cohl (Short improvisation in homage to Émile Cohl), 4 minutes clip included in the exhibition L’Esprit d’Émile Cohl, June 1 to October 31 2008 at the Musée-Chateau, Annecy, France. See the VIDEO.
- Toi la mordore, animation for a music video of Chloé Ste-Marie, directed by Guy Édouin, 2006. See the VIDEO.
- Signal film pour the 50th anniversary of the Montreal Art council , 30 sec. Video et 35mm, 2006. See the VIDEO.
- Visita au Porto sob a chuva (Visit to Porto under the rain) 1min.30sec, original engraved film done as an Homage to Filmografo au Rivoli Theater Rivoli, Ocober 23, 1997, in Porto.
- Signal film for the tenth Rendez-vous du Cinéma québécois, 30 sec., 35mm, NFB, 1992.
- Signal film for À la recherche de l’homme invisible (Looking for the Invisible man), 40 sec. coproduced by the NFB, Aquila films and TV Ontario, 1991.
- Opening sequence of Portrait d’un studio d’animation, 30 sec. NFB, 1991.
- Don Quichotte, 30 sec., 35 mm, signal film for Ottawa 90 – International Festival of animation, 1990.
- Cité-FM, 30 sec. video, TV commercial, Tam tam, La fabrique d’images, 1990.
- 3 pommes à coté du sommeil, animated sequences in Jacques Leduc’s feature, NFB, 1989.
- Portion d’éternité, special effects for Robert Favreau’s feature, NFB, 1989.
- Charade chinoise, animated segments for Jacques Leduc’s feature, NFB, 1987.
- O Picasso, animated segments for Gilles Carle’ film, production ACPAV/NFB, 1985.
- Passiflora, drawings for Fernand Bélanger’s et Dagmar Gueissaz’s documentary feature, NFB 1985.
- L’émotion dissonante, animated segments for Fernand Bélanger’s documentary feature, NFB, 1984.
- Beyrouth, à défaut d’être mort, drawings for Tahani Rashed’s documentary, NFB, 1983.
- Pense à ton désir, special effects for Diane Poitras’s video, with Sylvie Roche, production du Contre-jour, 1983.
- La stratégie américaine, animated segments for Yvan Patry’s documentary, production AlterCiné, 1982.
- Les contes de la mère loi sur le cinéma, sequence engraved on film in a collective film, 1975.
- Je chante à cheval, animated segments in Lucien Ménard’s, Jacques Leduc’s et Pierre Bernier’s documentary, NFB, 1972.
- L’homme multiplié, titles for Georges Dufaux’s et Claude Godbout’s short, NFB, 1969.
- Jusqu’au coeur, titles for Jean Pierre Lefebvre’s feature, NFB, 1968.
- Le jeu des propositions, directed by Michel Moreau, animation, 8 mm, NFB, 1966.
- Mon œil, assitant director on Jean-Pierre Lefebvre’s feature, Cinak, 1966.
- Comment savoir? animated segments in Claude Jutra’s documentary, NFB, 1966.
- Changement d’adresse, commercial for l’Hydro-Québec, 1965.
- Postez tôt pour Noël, commercial for the Post Office, 20 sec, NFB, 1965. Lost.
- Le Révolutionnaire, animated segment on Jean-Pierre Lefebvre’s feature, Cinak, 1965